


本课程旨在培养学生创新创业整体观、系统思维与基本实践技能,为学生提供一种将创意转化为可持续发展的创新型企业的系统方法。通过本课程的学习,帮助学生了解与掌握以下几方面的思维与技能:(1) 产生具有商业潜力的创意;(2) 通过市场调查、客户研究与产品概念开发方法挖掘发展学生的奇思妙想;(3) 采用最小可行产品(MVP)结合多维度分析来验证项目的相关进展;(4) 基于沉浸式的体验学习来决定调整还是坚持现有的商业策略;(5) 创业融资知识与技巧;(6) 创业企业的裂变式增长方法;(7) 创业公司的财务和营销管理;(8) 上市(IPO)等多元化的投资退出机制。



This course aims to cultivate students' holistic view of innovation and entrepreneurship, systematic mindset and basic practical skills, and provide students with a systematic method to transform creativity into an innovative enterprise with sustainable development. This course helps students understand and master the following aspects of mindset and skills- (1) generating ideas with business potentials, (2) testing “leap-of-faith” assumptions via theoretical market research and empirical product development, (3) experimenting with minimal viable products (MVPs) and measuring progress via actionable analytics, (4) pivoting or persevering strategies based on validated learning, (5) raising venture capital smartly, (6) scaling a venture into a sustainable company via effective and viral engines of growth, (7) managing the finance, accounting, and marketing aspects of a sustainable company, and (8) understanding exit policies, including initial public offering (IPO).

The course comprises a balance of lectures, case studies, encounters with entrepreneurs, and meetings with investors. The students will be exposed to real-world perspectives on entrepreneurship, innovation, and leadership. By the end of the course, each student will develop and present a detailed business plan and an MVP for a start-up.

This course aims to help students improve their innovation and entrepreneurship thinking, gain insight into new business opportunities, build the ability of enterprises to launch new businesses and integrate resources, and lay a theoretical and practical foundation for students to engage in innovation and entrepreneurship, consulting, investment and financing (VC/PE) and other careers in various organizations in the future.

1. 了解创新与创业的概念内涵、创新创业的基本理论与方法,认识创新创业对经济和社会发展的重要性,提升创新创业意识。(A2.2)

2.  重点掌握端到端的科学创新创业实用方法以及愿景、理念、文化和团队等知识,培养学生作为创业者所需的市场分析、财务分析及产品开发等方面的基础知识。(B2)

3. 培养系统性创新创业的整体项目管理能力,并提升逻辑思维、创新创业思维及展示方式能力。(C3)

4. 培养学生问题导向的学习能力、创造性思维、表达能力、团队协作能力、分析及解决目标客户实际问题的能力,培养学生勇于拥抱创新与创业的文化。(C2, D1.2, D2.2)